Making a Gift Through Your Will or Living Trust

Gifts made through a will or living trust, also known as “bequests,” are flexible and may be changed depending on your life circumstances. You can:
- Give the remainder, or residue, of your estate—that is what is left after all other bequests to friends and loved ones are satisfied.
- Make a gift of a specific amount. A gift of a particular amount may be designated for general use or for your area of interest.
- Provide for a gift of a particular property. Real estate, stocks and other items of value are examples of properties that can be used to fund charitable bequests.
- Designate that a percentage of your estate be given to Love for the Least through your will or living trust.
- Name Love for the Least to receive a bequest in the event other heirs are not there to receive their legacies.
To plan a charitable bequest, contact your attorney and ask for advice regarding federal and state tax considerations and the best form for your gift.
There is no limit on the amounts that are deductible from federal gift and estate taxes for charitable gifts made by will or trust, so no tax will be due on assets given in this way. A number of states impose estate taxes. Charitable gifts are normally exempt from those taxes as well.
Our sample bequest language is available to share with your attorney.
If you decide to include a gift in your will or living trust, our legal name is Love for the Least, and our tax ID number is 82-4640130.